Our Clients

We are LEANability

Even for the most successful companies, the world is constantly changing. Continuous improvement becomes increasingly important and time-critical. LEANability wants to work with you to find the best lever to improve your business agility a little better every day. We primarily work across team boundaries with tribes, departments, products, or the entire organization. Together, we find the right Flight Level for your success.

What We Do


Learn today what others will only read in our books in a few years. We set international standards in our workshops. Theory is good, but it's even better when you can immediately apply it to daily practice. This is the goal of all LEANability workshops.


Dr. Klaus Leopold has been speaking at renowned conferences for years on effective work and business agility. Klaus also delivers motivational speeches at internal corporate events. He is also available for your event!


With the book 'Rethinking Agility,' Dr. Klaus Leopold has authored the standard work on business agility. Our books are written with a clear practical focus, so you can transfer the knowledge to practice effectively.


LEANability means LEAN consulting. We clearly differentiate ourselves from traditional consulting firms whose motto is to sell as many consultant days as possible. Our approach is 'as much as necessary' and highly individual. It's about your success!

Flight Levels Workshops

LEANability is the perfect training partner for enterprise agility: Dr. Klaus Leopold and Katrin Dietze are the creators of Flight Levels for Business Agility and the founders of the Flight Levels Academy. In our workshops, you'll learn today what others will only read in our books in a few years. Stay ahead of your competitors and attend LEANability workshops.

LEANability is

We are LEANability

LEANability is the vision of Katrin Dietze and Klaus Leopold to bring customers to self-sufficiency from the very beginning. Katrin clarifies context, problems, and needs with you in advance. Klaus and the partners he personally trains work with you on-site or virtually on your issues.

  • Business Agility
  • Flight Levels
  • Years of Experience
  • Thought Leadership
  • High Practical Relevance
  • Customer Focus
  • Viennese Charm
  • Enjoyment at Work
One thing LEANability cannot offer you: recipes and templates to make your company agile by a certain date. Such blueprints usually cost a lot and deliver little - because only small sections, usually teams, are optimized. The result: Work is still being done in silos, just with agile methods.
With the Flight Levels thinking model we developed, many companies around the world are already finding their individual path to true business agility. We don't prescribe methods and approaches; we accompany you in recognizing the specific challenges in your company and in the market independently.
What Matters to Us!

Why LEANability

We primarily work beyond team boundaries with tribes, departments, products, or the entire organization. Together, we determine the right flight level for your success.

  • System thinking instead of local optimization
  • Agile interaction instead of agile islands
  • Outcome instead of output
  • Purpose instead of dogma
PPP Discount

Since July 1, 2020, we offer adjusted, fair PurchasingPowerParity prices for all workshops.


We would be happy to provide you with an offer for an in-house training for a larger group in your company.

Our Clients

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