|02 Feb 2017|Klaus LeopoldOne Week in Bangkok
Events, Highlight
The wedding of one of Katrin’s friends in Thailand five years ago started it all. „Given the fact that we travel to Thailand anyway – why not also try to organize a training over there?“, we thought. We tried to organize the first two trainings on our own but luckily we met Kulawat Pom Wongsaroj and Kamon Treetampinji. Since the third training they support us a lot with their local know-how and have become very dear friends. Kulawat an Kamon run their own consulting company “Lean in Consulting” and are committed members of the Thai Agile Community. With their help, trainings in Bangkok have become a yearly highlight in my training schedule. Last week I had the pleasure of visiting for the fifth time, and it was an entire week of training!
Well, I can tell: There’s a lot going on in Thailand kanbanwise! Besides “Applying Kanban” I gave my training “Improving Kanban” for the first time over there. Both trainings were sold out and additionally, I had been invited to talk about “Lean Business Agility” in front of about 100 attendees at the Agile Bangkok Meetup which was held in the impressive G-shaped tower auf AXA-Life. I very much enjoyed the interesting discussions and conversations afterwards.
Apart from the fact that it is much warmer in Thailand than in snowy Austria, it once again simply made a lot of fun. On top of that, it especially came to my attention that a lot of middle and top managers from a wide range of companies – from oil companies to hotel groups – attended my trainings this time. Even the CTO and COO of AXA-Life learned how to apply and improve Kanban! A huge „Thank you“ to Kulawat and Kamon for their support in preparing and carrying out this special training week! I’m already looking forward to my stay in Thailand in 2018!