Who shall be the voice of the Rethinking Agile audio book?

[section_dd][column_dd span=’12’][text_dd]We are currently in the process of bringing Rethinking Agile to the audio world. We have already pre-selected three possible voices and want your help by selecting the final one. Please listen to the samples below and select one of the speakers in the form and send us what you think! If you would like to be notified when the Rethinking Agile audio book is published, please leave us your e-mail address. This is optional. Thank you for your help![/text_dd][spacer_dd pixels=’15’][/spacer_dd][/column_dd][/section_dd][section_dd][column_dd span=’12’][h_dd type=’3′]The Candidates[/h_dd][spacer_dd pixels=’10’][/spacer_dd][h_dd type=’6′]Speaker 1[/h_dd]
[spacer_dd pixels=’15’][/spacer_dd][h_dd type=’6′]Speaker 2[/h_dd]
[spacer_dd pixels=’15’][/spacer_dd][h_dd type=’6′]Speaker 3[/h_dd]
[spacer_dd pixels=’30’][/spacer_dd][h_dd type=’3′]Your Feedback[/h_dd][/column_dd][/section_dd]