Group work in the Flight Levels workshop – even more effective with scheduling!

Compared to “physical training”, our online workshops have an incredible added value: Because they extend over four half-days, there is time in between to deal with the newly learned knowledge and its relevance for your situation.
Now, the reality is always much more interesting and instructive than a constructed example. Therefore, in the workshop, we try to weave in the challenges that the participants face in their organizations. This usually takes the form of group work. The advantage is that afterwards, the people who have contributed their example go back to their everyday work with concrete results for their situation. With this, they can continue working immediately.
The thing is: You should already schedule time in your calendars for the group work, even before the workshop has started. Due to the online-related free days between online sessions, it is tempting to fill up this time with appointments. My advice to you: Don’t over-schedule these days so that you can work on the task together (or alone). The other day, for example, the participants from one company reserved a whole four hours for themselves, during which they worked together in a concentrated manner on their topic. During the next session in the online plenary, they received feedback on this and then had an excellent basis for further action.
Therefore, make the most of the online formats and keep time free between the workshop sessions for concentrated group work!